Funny Call in Show Control Demon Paper Mache Head Public Access
Trick or Treat is an annual event that occurs during Halloween and lasts for two weeks. Players may access voiced Halloween dialogue in Lyria's Journal by tapping the pumpkin icon in a character's profile.
Tapping the character artwork displayed on your Home Page also allows you to hear unique Halloween phrases spoken by the character.
You'll know a Halloween cut scene is new if its button is colored purple.

Trick or treat!
Look! We got so much candy!
For Halloween this year, we all made pumpkin candy together!
After all, Halloween isn't just about getting candy! Giving candy to little kids is part of the fun too!
That pumpkin candy really turned out great. Let's go have some over there!
(Captain), trick or treat!
Hehe! Those are the magic words of Halloween.
So will you give me some candy?
Hm? You don't have any more? So then I guess I'll have to play a trick...
Umm... What should I...
Mmm... What does "play a trick" mean?
Trick or treat!
I learned all about pranking from the crew this year!
And I practiced really hard!
Here goes...
Scary, right?
So I'm ready to roll!
So what'll it be, (Captain)? Do you have candy for me? Or do I get to prank you?
Oh, (Captain)! Trick—
Choose: Trick or treat!
Huh? B-but I was going to say it first!
Oh no, what do I do now? I don't have any candy...
Th-that means I get a trick? Um, well... as long it's not anything scary, okay?
Sensing Lyria's apprehension, (Captain) hesitates.
Choose: ...
Choose: ...
After a long pause, the captain finally holds out some candy.
Huh? What? You want me to eat that candy with you?
Hehe, okay! Let's enjoy it together!

Trick or treat! Gimme an apple or I'll play a prank on you!
Hey, I wanna wear a costume too! What do you think I should go as?
Heh heh heh. I ain't takin' no candy this year. I'm only acceptin' apples!
Huh? What about apple pie?
Just gimme something with apple in it! Apple candy, or just apples! No wait, gimme both or you're gonna have trouble!
I was debatin' what kind of costume to wear this year and asked around the ship for advice...
Some of the crew suggested that I dress up as a dragon! Can you believe that?
Can't they see I'm already a full-fledged dragon without needing any kind of costume?
Hey. Why'd you look away all of a sudden? Don't ignore me, (Captain)!
Hehe! Did I scare ya?
I'm a dragon after all! I can be pretty fearsome when I wanna be!
Yup, Halloween is all about scaring the britches off your buds!
Aaall right, who's next? Maybe Katalina... I wonder if I can get a good scream out of her!
Vyrn: (Captain), help me! It's Katalina!
I was hiding in a pumpkin, hopin' to give her a good scare...So I jumped outta the pumpkin and went "Roooar"!
But then she got all excited and started chasing me around!
I've got a feeling that if I get caught, it's gonna be bad! So you gotta hide me, (Captain)!
Choose: Trick or treat!
Wha! You want candy in exchange for hiding me? Geez, what kinda friend are you!
Guess it's give and take...All right, hang on. I've got candy in here somewhere...
Vyrn rummages through the bag he's holding. Just as he is about to take out the candy, a shadow looms up from behind him.
Vyrn: Eeek!

Happy Halloween!
All stocked up on your candy yet? My store has all the Halloween products you could need!
Happy Halloween! Gonna dress up, (Captain)?
Hmm... You forgot to make one?
Hehehe... Not to worry! I've got just the thing to help!
Your clothing size hasn't changed, right?
Then no worries! I'll have the perfect costume for you ready in a jiffy!
Hehe. Happy Halloween, (Captain)!
Have you chosen your costume for this year? If not, your good friend Siero might have something for you!
Hm? Have I picked one out yet? Well, as it were, I'm still trying to figure out what to wear...
I thought I would pumpkin up my costume with this mask. Hehehe...
Happy Halloween!
Wow... Everyone's put so much effort into their costumes. They might be even better than last year's!
Judging from all the custom-made costumes around here, Lala and Lolo must have had a banner month.
Speaking of which...
Don't you have a costume this year, (Captain)?
Why don't you dress up as one of the many monsters you've vanquished?
That would be a fitting tribute to your incredible record as a skyfarer!
And that way you can peel back the monster's layers to find the monster-slayer!
Happy Halloween!
Yep, yep, yep! I've got some sweet treats for you, (Captain)!
Here you go! Chomp 'em down as soon as you'd like!
The treats are actually a Halloween confection I developed at the Knickknack Shack.
Wait five minutes after you eat them! You're bound to see your body go through a few changes!
Of course I didn't use anything that would be harmful to you, so don't worry.
Well then, I'm going to go stand over there and observe! I hope you're as excited as me to see what happens!

You want candy or you'll play a trick on me? You should pull that on Drang.
That dummy's pockets are so filled with candy that it's all spilling out. I don't know what he's doing...
I'm warning you right now: I don't have candy, and I'm not interested in anyone's ideas of trickery.
If you want candy, ask Drang. He'll probably give you some.
And if you must insist on playing tricks... I suggest you prepare yourself for the repercussions.
Trick or treat?
Sigh... You never learn, do you?
Fine. Here's some candy.
N-no, I didn't have it ready! I just happened to have some on me!
Drang forced them on me, saying it was because it's Halloween.
Hey, (Captain). Trick or treat.
What's with that face? It's not like I'm possessed by the holiday spirit or anything.
I just wanted to beat you to the punch and take the wind out of your pranking sails.
You don't have any candy? It's not like I wanted it...
Nope, I'm not gonna prank you, either! Do you actually want me to?
Fine. You asked for it. Get ready for a good stabbing.
Sturm is nowhere to be seen.
The streets are filled with Halloween festivities as (Captain) walks through them in search of Sturm.
Someone suddenly comes up behind (Captain) and holds the captain in place. Don't move. Open your mouth. Sturm pushes something into (Captain)'s mouth. Don't worry, it's just a cookie. Have you eaten it? Good. Hmph... With that, my mission of accomplishing a trick and a treat is complete. I'm done. What... Do it again, you say? Stop looking so happy! You're not supposed to be enjoying it! Who do you think you are, Drang?

Trick or treat, smell my feet!! Heya, Cap'n! Give me something good to eat!
Hm? What? You have some candy for me?
Hey! This is the candy I gave you just now!
Well, I guess you did give me candy though... I never knew giving away candy could bite me back like this.
Okay let's go, (Captain)! What? What do you mean, where?
We're going to see Sturm, of course! It's Halloween!
You want to see Sturm's face when she gets pranked, don't ya? She's gonna go crazy!
Playing a prank on her is like playing with fire, though.
But we'll be fine! I'll show you what to do in case she tries to stab us! It'll barely hurt a bit!
Ah, (Captain)! Oh, I know, I know. You don't even have to say it.
I made extra sure to get some candy ready...
Ah! They're all gone!
Sorry, (Captain). I swear I had them, but it looks like I've handed them all out!
W-wait! No! Please! Have mercy!
Happy Halloween, (Captain)!
This year, I want to do more than just hand out candy.
I really want to dress up, but choosing a costume is tougher than it sounds.
If I'm gonna do it, it'd be more fun to coordinate with you and Sturm, right?
So can you help me out with ideas, (Captain)?
Huh? No, I haven't asked Sturm yet. She'll turn me down flat.
That's why I need to get her costume ready myself and not leave her any escape routes!
And now that you know the plan, you're an accessory to the crime, (Captain)! So I expect your full cooperation!
Hey, (Captain)! Happy Halloween! I'm down here!
Ahaha... What do you think? I'm dressed up as the floor—Sturm's work.
I was suggesting an adorable costume for her to wear when I found myself buried here!
It was a cat costume. I thought she'd look great in it, but maybe she couldn't stand my meowing...
Oh, which reminds me—could you give me a hand, (Captain)? I just can't seem to get out of here.
Hey, where do you think you're going? You're just going to leave me here? Come on!
(Captain)! Don't leave me here!

Trick or treat. Give me a treat or I'll trick you...
You don't have any? Well, then I have to trick you...
Hmm... I forgot to ask how to play a trick on someone...
Captain, do you know any? Could you teach me?
Trick or treat... Candy or trouble. You can only choose one.
But... I'm not good at playing pranks. I would rather have candy.
Candy is much more pleasant. The more I get, the happier I become.
So choose. Candy or trouble.
(Captain), trick or treat.
I want to try my best at a trick. I do like candy, but maybe just this once...
Orchid says this with her lips, but her eyes look longingly at the nearby candy.
Unable to ignore the girl's pure-hearted attempt, (Captain) holds out a piece of candy toward her.
Huh? You'll still give me the candy? Why?
But thank you. I think I do prefer candy instead. Hehe, tasty.
Trick or treat. You... have to choose which you want.
I recommend "trick." I decided to put some real effort into my pranks this year.
If I do a good job, my candy should taste even better afterward... I think.
Someone told me that a sense of accomplishment makes sweets even sweeter.
So... I'll do it for the candy.
Are you ready, (Captain)?
I'm afraid I recently died...
But there's a chance candy could revive me.
Choose: Give her candy.
Munch, munch.
Choose: Give her more candy.
Munch, munch...
I'm back from the dead...
It was all a prank. Did I have you fooled?

Ooh, trick or treat!
If you think you can trick me, you can go ahead and try!
Oho? You dare challenge me with your trick-or-treating?
Hah! Your attempts to trick me will fail, I dare say! I won't be running out of candy today!
I'll show you the true candy-distributing power of Erste Empire's number one military captain!
Hm? I do say, where's your costume? I expected you to be thoroughly enjoying the festivities.
One might compliment you on being more mature than expected. However...
Youth comes only once, and youth is the time to enjoy life.
You'd scarce get the chance to wear cat ears or any of the sort once you're older; trust me.
Heh heh heh...
What superlative timing, I do say... Perhaps this meeting was destined...
Triiick ooor treeeat!
Now choose your fate! Relinquish your confectionery or submit to my pranks!
I have quite the axe to grind with you...
So if you should be fool enough not to surrender your sweetmeats, you will face the wrath of the ultimate prankster, honed by years of service in the Erste Imperial Army!
Oh, what kind of tomfoolery is this! Offer up an explanation this very instant!
That crew of yours surrounded and trussed me up—like some pig! They then shoved me unceremoniously into this papier-mache suit.
And, to top it off, I cannot move! This suit cannot be opened from within. That crew of yours has concocted quite the elaborate scheme!
What, no! Why in Bahamut's name would I use dark essence to craft a silly Halloween costume? Not to mention, that power's quite rough on my joints...

Vira Luminiera
Trick or treat.
Katalina never plays any tricks on me. I'm all ready and waiting too....
Hm? What is it, (Captain)? You seem confused.
Isn't it obvious why I'm sneaking around and hiding behind corners? No? Hehe, because it's Halloween, silly.
I must keep an eye out for any hooligans who would dare play a nefarious trick on Katalina.
Oh, would you kindly help me with my stakeout, (Captain)?
I'll reward you with candy afterward.
(Captain), would you be so kind as to say trick or treat to Katalina for me?
I have candy for you if compensation is what you want.
I assure you they're good; I made them myself.
Why don't I do it myself, you ask?
Well, I'm waiting for my chance to trick her when she runs out of candy of course.
No, nothing, nothing. Just talking to myself. Enjoy your Halloween.
A simple dress... No... Something more unusual... These stuffed animals paws do entice...
Oh, (Captain), may I have a moment of your time?
I am in need of a suitable Halloween costume...
(Captain), would you be so kind as to give me your opinion?
Oh, I see... So you think...
I should dress as a man!
J-just thinking about it does send chills down my spine...
But... I think it may attract the attention of the wrong sort of filth...
I've come to a realization... A realization of why Katalina will not play a trick on me.
It is because she knows I am unaccustomed to such tricks!
I am sure that Katalina thought of this and has refrained from playing tricks in full consideration of me.
This is all because I have only ever played tricks on Katalina, and have never been on the receiving end...
I must be careful not to make the same mistake, and approach this year with utmost preparation.
Yes... In other words, I must practice having tricks played on myself so that Katalina can play her tricks on me without the need for considerate restraint.
I trust you understand, (Captain).
I am certain that you are accustomed to both playing tricks and having tricks played on you.
Now, come... As practice, you may play all your tricks on me to your heart's content!

Goblin Mage
Trick or treat! Candy please! Then I'll do a trick!
Fee told me that today it's okay to play pranks on people. I can also get candy!
What? I can only take one? I've never heard of that...
Go, go, goblin!
(Captain)! Today everybody pretends to be somebody else.
Let's pretend to be Feena, (Captain). Ready? One, two, three, victory!
Oh, big brother!
I don't wanna talk to you!
Ah! (Captain)! I dressed up in a Teena costume this year! Because today is the day for pretending!
Let's pretend together, (Captain)!
Ready? Go!
Found you, (Captain)!
Fee made some Goblin Mage coch-stoons for Halloween!
Anybody can be me if they put one on.
There's one for you too, (Captain)! We're gonna be twins!
Hehehe! You look just like me now, (Captain)!
Fee already left to go play pranks on people!
Let's change, and then go chase after her!
Hello! Trick or shiny!
Hehe, surprised? Fee taught me that one!
I like tricks and treats! But I like sparkly stuff more!
So I changed the saying to get more sparkly stuff!
(Captain), do you wanna go trick or shinying with me?
We're gonna get so much sparkly stuff!

Twick or Chweet! Wuh? N-no candy?
Chime fo a twick den! Coochie, coochie coo! Ahaha!
No! Chay away you mean montaa!
My papi gonna bweat you gwood!
Huh? (Captain)! Don't aprise me wike dat!
Maybe I'll forgib you if you gimme candy!
Aah! (Captain)!
I'm schill making my cochume!
Iz gonna be chuper s-kewee! And I'll s-kea Papi an you wid it!
But if I s-kea you too much, dat woul be mean... So I be naicher.
(Captain)! Wiwl you dwess up wike a ghos wit me? I wanna schare Papi and get wots of candy!
Hehehe! Papi woud be so schared if der are wots of ghoss!
Bwut (Captain), don't twell Papi oh else!
(Captain)! Cyan you gib me a pwiggybak wied?
I wont to be rike Papi! Eberywan will be so sapwised!
But I'm choo smal to be a Papi... But wit yua help, I can be big and stronk!
Pwease, pwease, pwetty pwease, (Captain)!
Teehehe! Tank you! Habing choo papis will be sho much hun!

Trick or treat!
I have no interest in tricks, so you had best hand over the candy!
Heh... This sure brings back memories. Lecia had just joined the Fourth Fleet...
Everyone was having a good time celebrating Halloween, and Lecia shows up to tell us not to play any tricks on anyone!
It was the most awkward Halloween ever.
Thankfully Lecia figured out Halloween the next year, and we all had lots of fun trick or treating together!
Heh heh heh... Today the dead and the living dance all night. You know what that means, don't you?
Trick or treat! However, I have no interest in tricks. All I want is sweet, sweet candy!
What? You no longer have any candy reserves?
Fine, guess it can't be helped. Here, take this. It's candy from my own stock.
Of course I would very much like to have as much candy as I can get, but what's more important is ensuring everyone has a fun time tonight.
Trick or treat!
So... Which is it going to be?
But I suppose you know me well enough to predict which one I want.
Sweet, sweet treats, of course!
Hehe. This is a pumpkin cookie, right? I'll take that!
Hm, and that must be a snowball cookie! Why, don't mind if I do!
Heh heh. I advise you to surrender before I relieve you of all the treats in your possession!
Hey, (Captain). Can I discuss something about Halloween with you?
Everyone in the Fourth Fleet has decided to wear a costume this year.
The thing is, I've never worn a costume before, so I don't know what to go as...
A majority of the Enforcers agree that going as a young witch suits me best.
On the other hand, it's unbecoming of someone my age.
But Halloween is Halloween, so I guess it's fine. What do you think I should be, (Captain)?

Trick or treat!
Do you have any candy for me, Captain?
Uh-oh, looks like somebody's in trouble! Watch out! I'm not going easy on you!
When you really think about it, it's weird that there's a holiday just for dressing up.
But it does feel like a special day when you're in a costume.
It makes you feel just a bit bolder than normal.
So, (Captain). Do you have any treats?
Heh heh! If you don't have any treats, then brace yourself for my tricks!
Trick or treat!
Oh, looks like you have candy this year.
Huh? But you won't give me any?
You're wondering what sort of trick I'll play?
Are you testing me, (Captain)?
Fine then! You're going to regret this!
Trick or treat, (Captain)!
I've been looking for you all over town! Where were you?
Don't tell me you ran away because you didn't have any candy on hand for the big day...
You do? Oh, yes, I see.
Thank you. But then why were you—
What? Why are you holding out your hand?
Trick or treat?
Oh, right. I'll give you a treat too...
What? There's none left!
That's right... I've been handing candy out all day...
Wait... Don't tell me you were waiting for just this moment!
What? You wanted to try playing tricks this year, not just getting tricked?
Very well then. Challenge accepted! Show me your ultimate trick, (Captain)!
(Captain), trick or treat!
Oh, I see you've got some treats prepared for me again this year! Thank you.
Hmm...Getting treats is nice and all, but there just isn't the same satisfaction as when you play tricks on someone.
Huh? I can play a trick on you too?
Hm...I feel kind of bad for being so greedy...
But since you said so, I guess now I have to do it!
I actually have a trick ready just for you, (Captain)! Here I come!

Happy Halloween.
Pranks are not my strong point. Would some candy suffice?
It looks like the season of costumes is upon us once more.
I'm no good at pranks, so I couldn't join in on the fun last year.
But after traveling with this crew, I think I have a few ideas up my sleeve.
So, what kind of pranks do you enjoy, (Captain)?
Don't be shy. What prank would you play on me? Tell me!
When the weather starts to get this chilly, it means the Halloween festival has come back around.
Now then, you've come up with a special trick to play on me this year, haven't you? Go on and give it your best shot.
Hm? Rather than play a trick, you want to be tricked instead?
Hm... I see. This is a bit difficult... What sort of trick would be good to try?
How about if I switch your weapon with my giant sword, (Captain)? It'd be a bit annoying to get used to!
Hm... A more playful trick, you say? What should I do...
Well, they say it's best to watch an expert if you wish to get good at something. So let's go and see what the kids are up to!
We'll have them play a trick on us. That should give us some real food—or tricks—for thought!
(Captain) is invited by the hiding Siegfried to join him.
You're here just in time. I'm getting ready to scare some children who will be coming by any moment...
I was able to master the art of hiding, but I'm not sure exactly how I should scare them.
I supposed something frightful will do the trick, eh? I can mimic the movements of the undead quite well.
Hm... I see your point. It may not be wise to put fear into the children's hearts... A simple startle should be sufficient.
Here they come. Will you help me give them a good trick!
Oh, is that what you're going with for this year's costume, (Captain)? It looks good on you.
Actually, I tried dressing up this year myself...
The cloak I wore had wings and the children loved it, so they're borrowing it for the time being.
No, it wasn't a bat costume. It was a dragon.
I sewed scales from a real dragon onto the cloak, so it feels quite real too.
Heh. Since everyone loves it so much, venturing deep into the mountains of Feendrache to gather the scales was worth it.
I'll show you the cloak once I get it back. Then you can tell me what you think of it.

Imperial General Adam
I am aware of Halloween customs...
But as I serve the people, I cannot possibly perform the often spoke of trick.
I must admit that I enjoy the spirit that is brought out in both adults and children.
That is why I have decided to make treats for the occasion.
(Captain), will you pass these out to the children in town?
They were just made so do be careful not to burn yourself.
(Captain), please. A moment of your time.
Orchis has instructed me to participate in this year's Halloween festivities.
However, as you may recall from what I said last year, a golem is not allowed to scare people.
Which is why I want you to spare no effort in scaring me, (Captain).
If I mimic your every move, I should be able to play tricks on people, even if it is not my intent to do so.
I await the arrival of your unprecedented, world-shattering prank that will shock me to my core.
(Captain), you've come.
Yes, I am here for the festivities under Orchis's orders once again.
Thanks to your demonstration of a world-shattering prank last year, I now have the confidence to perform some of my own.
The problem is that my tricks are too frightening... Children now run in fear at the sight of me.
Can I ask you to teach me how to tone down my tricks?
I mimicked your trick in its full glory. If you could perhaps show me a lesser form of it...
Of course, you will not go unrewarded for this favor. I'm sure you will find this mountain of treats to your liking.
Trick or treat!
Oh, er, with my constitution, sweets are— Never mind. Thank you very much.
(Captain), I didn't notice you watching.
Yes, thanks to your aid, I now know how to take part in Halloween festivities.
And as a result, I've begun receiving large quantities of sweets.
But I am a golem made solely to serve humans.
I wish to give more than I take...
However, very few people will say "trick or treat" to me... Am I so imposing a figure?
Come with me? Yes, I suppose it will make me seem more approachable but... Are you certain that's how you want to spend your Halloween?
Very well. Then I'll avail myself of your kindness for a day.

Gourry Gabriev
L-Lina! I'm sorry! I apologize, just go easy on me!
No! Stop that incantation right now! That's not a trick, that's just called attacking! Here, I'll give you candy!

Trick or treat!
I knew you'd come, (Captain)!
Um, I'm whipping up some candy for the children. (Captain), care to join me?
You remember how we went around trick-or-treating with those kids last year?
Well, they had so much fun that they want us to join them again this year too.
I hope you're up for it, (Captain)!
You remember how we went around trick-or-treating with those kids last year?
Well, they had so much fun that they want us to join them again this year too.
I hope you're up for it, (Captain)!
Tricks? No, I've never been big on them.
Besides, I couldn't possibly play a trick on you! You're our savior!
But the thought of you being flustered over a trick...
That might be really fun to watch, but I wouldn't have to go that far, because...
Actually, don't mind me!
???: ...
While walking around town in search of Diantha, (Captain) pauses upon coming across a stone statue lying in the middle of the road.
As (Captain) approaches, the statue moves and a figure seems to leap out of it.
Diantha: (Captain)! Trick or treat!
Huh? Did I get something wrong?
Oh, you're just surprised. I guess it worked out then.
There's a reason I decided to do it this way...
The other maidens asked me to try scaring you, so...
Sorry if I went overboard.
Ooh... Now I'm all embarrassed about it.
Ahaha... I guess I should give more thought to going all out with things I'm not used to next time.
But I am kind of glad I got to see that look of surprise on your face.

Ah, (Captain). Sorry if I seem a bit annoyed right now.
This candy Diantha made is so good it makes me jealous.
But it really is good though! Here, I'll give you half.
Ah, (Captain)! You... nghh... came by today too?
Pant... Wheeze... Hm? What am I doing?
The cookies Diantha made were really good, so I decided to do her one better!
I'm trying to soften up this butter here. But, mmph, it's really stiff.
You'll help me? Really?
Teehee! Let's bake the cookies together then!
Ahaha, (Captain), you're here...
I was thinking... Halloween's a day for lots of yummy treats, but I'm afraid of what they'll do to my tummy...
So I tried to make low-fat, low-calorie cookies, but they don't taste too great...
Of course I'm worried about it. My beautifully slender waist is my pride and joy!
Huh? You're good at cooking too, (Captain)?
Give me some tips then!
Hey, hey, (Captain).
Say "aaah."
How is it?
I got so much candy for Halloween this year...
And I could use some help finishing it all. Want another one? Say "aah."
I might've mentioned this before, but I'm careful about what I eat. My nice bod is something I'm really proud of. Okay, open wide again.
Hm? You want more?
What do you get for all this? Well, hand-fed chocolates from a maiden are sure to bring you good luck!
At least I'd hope so. Ehehe...
What's wrong, (Captain)? Having trouble deciding on a costume?
I see... In that case...
I have a great idea! I'll lend you one of my outfits.
And I'll do your makeup too, of course! Hehe... You'll be just as cute as can be!
Those puppy dog eyes won't get you out of this. Like it or not, you're going to be my dress-up doll today!

Trick or treat!
Well then, it's time to go out there and hand out candy to the kids!
Teehee, I'm just doing my duty as a maiden!
Linaria said she'd make her own candy to give to the kids.
Sigh, how does she always come up with these strange ideas?
But I'm sure she's just doing her best to please the ichnia.
After all, happy ichnia means a happy Xolotl.
It's never easy, but we all do what we can for the good of the island.
Okay, the candy's all ready! Haha, I'll be handing out treats this year too.
It won't be easy of course. But just seeing the eyes of children light up makes my day!
Their reactions are genuine, which makes it all the more worth it.
Um, do you like children, (Captain)?
How would you like to hand out treats to the kids with me?
???: Guess who.
Harie: Bingo. You guessed right.
Ahaha... Sorry if I scared you.
I was just so happy to see you, even if it was from behind. And...
Anyway, here's a cookie as an apology. It's fresh from the oven actually, and I'd like you to try it first.
(Captain) comes up behind Harie while she is busy filling a basket with candy to hand out to the children.
The captain creeps closer, intending to surprise her as revenge for the previous year.
Huh? (Captain)?
But just as (Captain) reaches her, she turns around.
Hey, it really is you. You look surprised. Did something happen?
Oh, you were going to play a trick on me? But I ended up noticing somehow... Sorry about that.
I wonder how I knew you were there... Did I sense it? Maybe I smelled your scent or heard your footsteps? Or could it have been Xolotl's power?
I kinda wish I hadn't noticed...

I wonder if I should try making my own outfit this year!
You think it'll be tough? Nah, how hard could it possibly be?
I mean, all I have to do is decide what to make, cut the cloth, then sew. Easy peasy, right?
I'm trying to pick out a cloth for my costume, but there's so many to choose from.
Now that I know what a huge difference the cloth makes, the choice is all that much harder to make.
It's kind of like our performances—when we strive for perfection in even the smallest details, the ichnia response is totally different!
So I'm always thinking of how we can do things better, you know? Haha...
Happy Halloween, (Captain)! Have your costume ready?
Ah, still having trouble picking one out, I see... In that case...
Why not try wearing a maiden outfit then? Haha, how about it?
You can worry about how well it looks on you later. Try it before you knock it.
Hey, I wasn't too sure either when I first tried mine on! So what do you say?
It's not like it costs any rupies, you know! If you find you don't like it, you can just change back before heading out!
What? You're game? Woo-hoo! Love you, (Captain)! Haha!
How should I spend my Halloween this year...
Should I bake sweets, make a costume, or plan out some really elaborate trick?
I know—I'll do it all!
It's all that much more fun if we actually put in the effort, you know?
After all it'd be a waste to just let the festivities pass us by!
Oh! Welcome back, (Captain)! Happy Halloween!
Choose: Trick or treat!
Ahaha, you don't waste any time! Here, have a cookie! I made them especially for today!
Choose: Trick or treat!
Oh, you finished it already? Then here's a macaron! I made them for today too!
Choose: Trick or treat!
Look at you putting all my treats away! Next is pumpkin pudding! Hehe... I made it myself too!
I have plenty of homemade sweets where those came from! There's candy and cake... not to mention bean cakes and rice buns!
Choose: Trick or treat!
Hehe... You'll take them all? I'm glad you're enthusiastic, but don't overdo it okay? Here, have a financier next!

Trick or treat.
When I came to, there were black crayon marks all over my face...
It pays to be alert on Halloween, (Captain).
Space out and the kids will put signs all over you.
It happened to me last year—I was covered in funny-looking signs from head to toe.
Hm? What's wrong, (Captain)?
Do I have signs on my back again? I guess I don't notice when I'm spacing out.
Oh, what to do if someone secretly sticks a few more on me and I go out on stage like this...
I know. Maybe you can protect me until the performance starts, (Captain).
Halloween is such a busy time.
Whenever I space out, I end up getting tricked, and the candy gets away from me.
Maybe it's just not my thing. But I really want candy though...
Hm? You'll go trick-or-treating with me, (Captain)?
Great, maybe I'll be able to land some goodies. Let's go.
What should I do... Now I have a whole mountain of candy.
I said "I want candy!" at the Halloween concert without thinking, and now there's a mountain of it.
Hmm... I can eat it all, but if my tummy gets too round, that wouldn't be good as a maiden either...
How about it, (Captain)? Do you think you can help me with this? Hehe.

Head Priestess
Considering these cookies are for the kids on the island, I probably shouldn't make them too fancy.
Don't scare me like that, (Captain)!
Huh, trick or treat? Again? But you just played your trick on me.
Hey now, you're the one that chose the trick over the treat.
Sigh... Is that any reason to get upset?
Fine. How about I tickle you and we call it even?
Ready or not, here I come!
Boo! Hah. Not so funny when it's done to you. That was payback for last year.
Hm? You have a secret to tell me? I'll come in closer...
Augh! Don't pull my cheeks!
Humph. Okay, let's just call it even and leave it at that.
Look, forget the look on my face I just made and keep it secret from the maidens, deal?
Hm... Even for Halloween, this might be a little too much...
Ah, (Captain)! Were you looking on?
The costume in my hand? It's, uh...
Yes, it's the costume from when I was a maiden.
I'd been keeping it in storage for a good long while, and a wave of nostalgia hit me...
And I took it out to look at it. Nothing more.
Don't think that I was considering whether to wear it for the festival!
The maidens go around town handing out treats to children for Halloween.
After all, children also make for remarkable ichnia. I loved interacting with them when I was a maiden myself.
They'd give me such a warm welcome with their tlepilli when I visited their homes... Ah, children are so adorable.
Some can be naughty though. I remember ones who'd play a trick on me after I gave them a treat...
So make sure you only choose either the trick or the treat, (Captain)... Especially since you're no longer a child.
Haha... Of course, we have treats prepared for you as well, (Captain). But we'll have to wait till the maidens get back.
(Captain), why are you carrying so many sweets?
Are you going to trade them with the maidens? They should be at the town square if so.
What? You wish to trade with me?
Hehe, so that's what you're here for... Could you give me a moment?
I'm going to change into something a little more Halloween appropriate.
You... want me to change into my old maiden outfit? I suppose that is something I could easily slip into...
Wait, no! Absolutely not! I will not be doing that, no matter how you ask!

Queen Orchis, Erste Kingdom
Trick or treat!
What's it gonna be? Candy in my bucket or a prank on you?
Yeah, I love Halloween! The whole town gets into the spirit together. It's super fun!
I'd like to introduce the holiday to Mephorash too. I wonder if Adam would let me...
Holidays like this encourage spending and stimulate the economy, so it'd be good for the country...
Besides, it's important to honor the dead.
C'mon, (Captain)! I've gotta soak up all the Halloween festivity I can if I'm gonna bring this holiday to Mephorash!
Hehe, trick or treat!
I know only kids are supposed to get candy today, but I look young enough to squeak by, don't I?
I'm not just playing around though! This is an official investigation!
When I talked to Adam about it last year, he said we would need to gather a lot more data before we could formulate a concrete proposal to introduce Halloween to Mephorash.
What materials are used in the decorations, what kinds of candy need to be purchased, what flavors are in highest demand... All that stuff.
So Adam and I are splitting the investigation.
I'm in charge of pranks and candy sampling.
What? What do you mean my cheeks are looking chubby?
I don't have any cavities—look! So what if I gain a couple pounds!
(Captain)! Happy Halloween!
We're still going through the preparations, but it looks like we'll be able to have Halloween in Mephorash this year too.
Hehe... It's all thanks to your help with the survey, (Captain).
Everyone in town is really looking forward to it. This could go a long way in livening things up in Erste...
Oh right, (Captain)! Why don't we go get some candy from Apollo and Adam?
If we end up having to trick them, I get the feeling it'll go that much more smoothly if you're beside me, (Captain)!
I'd like you to have a pleasant Halloween in Mephorash too after all!
Happy Halloween. (Captain), I've got a Halloween invitation for you.
The people of Mephorash desired that you be formally asked to the city this year.
Apparently, the children saw you play that clever prank on Apollo and Adam last time.
And now they're clamoring for you to prank them the same way, saying "That old trick might've gotten Adam and Apollo, but it won't get me!"
Hehe... I realize it's become a far greater endeavor...
But I'll be there as your eager accomplice.
So what do you say? Will you spend this Halloween in Mephorash?

Oops! I'm so sorry. I was completely lost in thought and didn't see you there.
I guess you could say I was... looking for someone. A faint glimmer of possibility lingering on my mind.
But in the end it's just a tall tale, isn't it? The story of how the deceased return on Halloween, I mean.
If it actually were true, I'd want that someone to come to me before seeing anyone else.
Is there someone you'd want to meet again, (Captain)?
I think it's fine to reminisce about such a person on a day like this.
Um... You there! Excuse me!
Huh? (Captain)?
I'm sorry! I thought you were a stranger!
Legend says that the spirits of the deceased return on Halloween night...
Maybe this crowd is getting to me, but for a split second, you really reminded me of Abel, (Captain).
I'm not sure what I was thinking—it's not like you two even look alike.
But... thank you.
It was only for a moment, but it felt like Abel was here again.
Maybe it was his spirit visiting us for Halloween.
Trick or treat!
Ah... You have a treat for me too, (Captain)?
Hm... It just feels strange how everyone's so generous to me with their candy.
Even Cain gave me a whole bagful of goodies the moment he spotted me...
Of course I'm always happy to accept, but it'd be nice if I got the chance to play a trick on someone someday...
Huh? You wouldn't mind a trick for yourself, (Captain)?
Gee, thanks, (Captain). You're too kind.
Just don't expect me to go easy on you. I'll make sure you get a kick out of it!
(Captain). Happy Halloween!
Haha, what a festive costume you're wearing. Will you be heading out to town now?
In that case, have some of this Halloween-themed candy.
I made plenty, so you should be safe from any kids hoping to play tricks on you.
Then again, the tricks are half the fun of Halloween. That's what makes today so special!
Huh? You'd like me to come along?
Sure, thanks. This is gonna be a fun night.
Of course, I'll be taking candy too—not just giving.
Now let's get out there and spread some cheer!
Sigh... What should I do...
Whoa! Where did you come from, (Captain)? Oh, that sigh just now?
So Cain stopped by to drop off a cape and fake fangs. He said I ought to dress up sometimes.
Problem is, most costumes don't fit me because of my height.
I figured I'd have fun once I put the costume on, but... I started picturing everyone staring at me...
Huh? You bet Abel's watching me right now?
Gee, (Captain), that's a cheap way to get me to change my perspective.
Well, I suppose if he were here, I'd rather show him a self-assured woman enjoying herself instead of crybaby.
All right, I'm gonna put my fears aside and go get changed. Be right back!

Trick or treat! Well, come now, hand over the candy!
Hm? You're out of candy, you say? That's too bad...
I suppose you leave me no choice! I may appear to be an adorable monarch on the outside, but rest assured I am quite different on the inside.
Therefore I will use my wit and experience to carefully plot a dastardly prank to pay you back for this infraction!
Pholia: Trick or treat! Hand over your candy stock!
If you don't obey, my loyal werewolf will play a decidedly devious trick on you!
Bai ze: Do I look like a werewolf?
Pholia: It's called posturing! I just need you to growl like you mean it to complete the illusion!
Bai Ze: ...
Does that mean you are letting me trick-or-treat?
Pholia: Trick or treat! Are you ready to give me an offering of treats?
Ooh... I should've known you'd be well-prepared. You never fail to impress, (Captain). I gladly accept.
Nom, nom...
Hrm? Mrg? Wh-why is it so spicy! I can feel the burning sensation in my mouth...
I see what you did! You disguised your trick in the form of a treat, didn't you!
This is unforgivable... Bai Ze, we must mete out punishment in the form of an obligatory high jump for (Captain)!
Bai Ze: Very well.
Bai Ze takes the captain in his mouth and leaps high into the air.
It was a magnificent trick you played today, for even I could not see through it.
My sovereign appears to be equally pleased. Anyhow, pardon us for our crude display of gratitude, and may you have a happy Halloween, (Captain).
Given that today's Halloween, I saw it fit to present you with special treats for the occasion.
Come now, what's with that suspicious look in your eyes, (Captain)? You think I'm trying to get payback for last year?
(You guess right...)
(Of course, I knew this'd happen. Thankfully, I made sure the leftmost chocolate is safe for consumption...)
Fine, why don't I do a taste test for you. Watch closely.
Nom, nom...
Mm, that was delicious! No surprise there, considering I made these myself!
Is that proof enough for you?
Go on, (Captain)! Feast on my chocolates!
Hm? The look in my eyes frightens you? Really now, all I'm asking is for you to take a bite!
It's Halloween time! And of course that means the return of my exclusive treats!
Ahem. Don't raise your eyebrow at me. This is genuine, unadulterated candy free of dubious substances.
Really, Captain, do you still hold a grudge against me for what happened last year?
Yes, I admit it was a childish bit of roguery on my part, but I promise you this time it's really real!
That just makes you more suspicious?
Why can't you just let it go? Do you distrust me that much?
Grrr... What's so funny? Were you teasing me this whole time!

Pholia, Sovereign of Idelva
Trick or treat! Well, come now, hand over the candy!
Hm? You're out of candy, you say? That's too bad...
I suppose you leave me no choice! I may appear to be an adorable monarch on the outside, but rest assured I am quite different on the inside.
Therefore I will use my wit and experience to carefully plot a dastardly prank to pay you back for this infraction!
Pholia: Trick or treat! Hand over your candy stock!
If you don't obey, my loyal werewolf will play a decidedly devious trick on you!
Bai Ze: Do I look like a werewolf?
Pholia: It's called posturing! I just need you to growl like you mean it to complete the illusion!
Bai Ze: ...
Does that mean you're letting me trick-or-treat?
Pholia: Trick or treat! Are you ready to give me an offering of treats?
Ooh... I should've known you'd be well-prepared. You never fail to impress, (Captain). I gladly accept.
Nom, nom...
Hrm? Mrg? Wh-why is it so spicy! I can feel the burning sensation in my mouth...
I see what you did! You disguised your trick in the form of a treat, didn't you!
This is unforgivable... Bai Ze, we must mete out punishment in the form of an obligatory high jump for (Captain)!
Bai Ze: Very well.
Bai Ze takes the captain in his mouth and leaps high into the air.
It was a magnificent trick you played today, for even I could not see through it.
My sovereign appears to be equally pleased. Anyhow, pardon us for our crude display of gratitude, and may you have a happy Halloween, (Captain).
Given that today's Halloween, I saw it fit to present you with special treats for the occasion.
Come now, what's with that suspicious look in your eyes, (Captain)? You think I'm trying to get payback for last year?
(You guess right...)
(Of course, I knew this'd happen. Thankfully, I made sure the leftmost chocolate is safe for consumption...)
Fine, why don't I do a taste test for you. Watch closely.
Nom, nom...
Mm, that was delicious! No surprise there, considering I made these myself!
Is that proof enough for you?
Go on, (Captain)! Feast on my chocolates!
Hm? The look in my eyes frightens you? Really now, all I'm asking is for you to take a bite!
It's Halloween time! And of course that means the return of my exclusive treats!
Ahem. Don't raise your eyebrow at me. This is genuine, unadulterated candy free of dubious substances.
Really, Captain, do you still hold a grudge against me for what happened last year?
Yes, I admit it was a childish bit of roguery on my part, but I promise you this time it's really real!
That just makes you more suspicious?
Why can't you just let it go? Do you distrust me that much?
Grrr... What's so funny? Were you teasing me this whole time!
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