Pictures of Champion Market Beef Ne State Fair

For the first time in her 4-H career, Mikeayla Samuelson of Hastings earned elite champion awards in two categories at the 2021 Adams County Fair.

The 16-year-old junior at Adams Central High School won best in show for market beef and market swine.

"I like swine as much as cattle, so it was exciting to get both of them," she said.

Samuelson earned premiums for the animals in excess of $1,000 each during the Adams County Fair livestock premium auction on Monday.

The money will go to pay for her 4-H projects next year, and she is thankful for the individuals, businesses and organizations from Adams County and beyond that came out to place bids during the auction.

"Without their support, we wouldn't be able to show next year," she said. "All of us really do appreciate it. You can't get good-quality cattle without money and supplies."


Britney Samuelson brushes her shorthorn cross heifer during the Adams County Fair livestock auction Monday.

The auction marked the last flurry of activity before the fair wrapped up Monday. The auction is coordinated by the Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Council and the Adams County 4-H Council.

Local 4-H'ers and FFA members brought beef, sheep, swine, goat and market broiler projects through the auction ring where bidders had the chance to reward exhibitors for their hard work this summer in preparation for the fair.

Bids were flat dollar amounts to be paid directly to the exhibitor as a premium, meaning bidders didn't actually purchase the animals. Bidders had the option of keeping the animal by paying the base bid that otherwise would be paid by the meatpacker, plus the premium bid.

Claire Scheideler, 16, of Ayr brought a reserve champion bred and fed market gilt and a purple-ribbon heifer to the auction.

After working with the animals for nearly a year leading up to the fair, she said it was rewarding to see local people and businesses come out to help fund future projects.

"I think it's awesome they are coming to support us," she said.


Travis Augustin of Ruhter Auction and Realty points to a bidder for Brinlee Lindauer's market goat during the Adams County Fair livestock auction Monday.

Business leaders in the community said they see bidding as a way to support area youth and build community goodwill. Bidders who purchased champion animals had the chance to have their photograph taken with the exhibitor and his or her project.

Monte McIntyre, branch manager and executive vice president at Five Points Bank, said the 4-H program is a big part of the community and bolsters agriculture in the area.

"We come out and support the kids each year," he said. "It's good to keep it going."

David Hughes, vice president of Pinnacle Bank, said they often bid on projects that belong to customers' children or kids they've met through school events or church.

"I think it's important for local businesses to come out and support the hard work these kids put into these projects," he said.

The total premium bids added up to slightly more than $58,000 from about 65 bidders on 102 lots. Bidders came from as far away as Holdrege, Franklin and McCook.

During a break in the auction, 17-year-old Jaden Russell of Hastings was awarded with a belt buckle for the Adams County Golden Clover Award for 2020-21.

Russell said she was honored to be selected as the award winner this year.

"I didn't think I'd ever win the award," she said. "I'm speechless about it."

With the award came additional responsibilities such as passing out awards and helping with other shows. She also sat on the 4-H Council as a voting member.

"It gave me, as a 4-H'er, a say in what's going on," she said. "I definitely learned a lot."

Elite and Grand champion animals sold Monday at the Adams County Fair 4-H premium auction included:

  • Elite Market Beef: sold by Mikeayla Samuelson to Husker Power Products Inc.
  • Elite Market Swine: sold by Mikeayla Samuelson to Hastings Ford Lincoln
  • Elite Market Sheep: sold by Macy Rathje to Willis Hunt
  • Elite Market Goat: sold by Brinlee Lindauer to Hastings Ford Lincoln
  • Elite Market Broiler: sold by Journie Copple to Bumgardner Family Dentistry
  • Grand Champion Bred and Fed Market Heifer: sold by Ellie Mangers to Property Unlimited Partnership
  • Grand Champion Market Steer: sold by Emily Greenquist to Husker Power Products
  • Grand Champion Bred and Fed Market Steer: sold by Brooke Allen to Animal Clinic
  • Grand Champion Second Year Bucket Calf: sold by Brexton Ockinga to GTA Insurance Blue Hill
  • Grand Champion Market Barrow: sold by Andrew Kvols to Marty Demuth Farm Bureau Financial Services
  • Grand Champion Bred and Fed Market Barrow: sold by Ellie Mangers to Property Unlimited Partnership
  • Grand Champion Bred and Fed Market Gilt: sold by Axel Andersen to Allen's Food Mart
  • Grand Champion Market Lamb Ewe: sold by Makenna Rathje to Willis Hunt
  • Grand Champion Bred and Fed Market Meat Goat Wether: sold by Trevor Lindauer to Integrity Ag Consulting
  • Grand Champion Market Meat Goat Doe: sold by Wade Ewoldt to Calico Cottage
  • Grand Champion Bred and Fed Market Meat Doe: sold by Keegan Lindauer to Animal Clinic

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